Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New jet plane for donations lands in border city

SHAN NEWS Tuesday, 20 May 2008

For the first time in almost ten years state-owned Myanmar Airways has replaced the old propellers with a new jetliner ATR 72, reported sources from Tachilek, opposite Maesai.

“It may be a coincidence,” said a happy resident of the city. “But a day after the news about Nargis donations from Tachilek being transported to affected areas through Kengtung (160km away) came out, an ATR 72 with 62 seats landed.”

Donors from both Thailand and Tachilek have no need to worry about their relief offerings being delayed or damaged, they say.

Myanmar Airways suspended its jet flights to Tachilek following an accident on 27 August 1998 which killed all its passengers and crew.

Apart from Thais across the border, most donors are Burmans, Shans and ethnic Chinese residents.

Myanmar Airways fly to Tachilek twice a week, Sunday and Wednesday.


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