Monday, May 19, 2008

Blogs will shame Burma into action, says Brown

Metro Monday, May 19, 2008

The power of the internet and bloggers will probably shame the military government of Burma to help its cyclone-hit people, Gordon Brown said today.

With the eyes of the world watching through blogs and other reports, "people power" is coming into play and so the true horrors of the unfolding tragedy cannot remain hidden, he said.

The Prime Minister said: "It is true that in Burma we have not been able to get as much food and supplies into Burma that we would like but now a country like Burma cannot remain hidden.

"Direct people power is going to be a force not just for individual countries but for foreign policy as well."

He predicted that "whether it is famine, cyclone or whatever, pressure from the people is going to force government interaction".

Organisations such as the World Bank and the United Nations needed to be prepared to help people work within the situations, he added.

Mr Brown was speaking about the impact of globalisation to international business leaders at a Google Zeitgeist conference in Watford, Hertfordshire.

He also announced new cooperation between Google and the UK Government on climate change mapping.

Mr Brown suggested there might not have been "such silence" as the Rwanda crisis was developing if the web had been such a commonplace and powerful tool to allow people to communicate across borders back then.

Anger over political handling of situations, or even mishandling of events could lead to further groundswell of opposition in the form of "coup de blogs", forcing governments to act and be accountable, he said.

Mr Brown predicted that Darfur, Zimbabwe and Burma could all be targets.

He said: "They could feel people coming to express their anger about certain events. The mood could have an impact that means governments will be forced to change their institutions."

Yesterday, Britain's Asia Minister, Lord Malloch-Brown, said too little aid was getting to Burma's cyclone victims. He spoke with rescue workers and UN officials in Burma's largest city, Rangoon, but like other foreigners was not allowed to travel around the country, which was hit on May 2.

The junta is insisting on controlling aid distribution and has banned foreign relief workers from devastated areas.

This means no clear picture on the number of dead, injured and missing can be formed.


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